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The Judging Process

Only the coordinators of this competition know who’s name goes with which entry. All the judging is done by the title of the entry, entrants remain anonymous.


The first round of the CYA competition is judged by at least two CYA judges. Our CYA judges are published, unpublished, and editors, as well as avid readers of the genres.  CYA endeavours to have at least one published author/editor judge adjudicate each entry submitted. 


The judges use a standard score sheet per writing and illustrating categories. The scores are tallied as a percentage, and the final results are based on that percentage. 


Please note that examples are given of previous years, and the sheets do evolve with each year to keep abreast of the publishing industry requirements. 

Judging Process

Note For Published Authors

The rhyming and non-rhyming sheets are scored separately to different final amounts and then ranked based on a percentage. The entries are then added together, and the top 3 of the combined picture books are shortlisted. 

The top three (minimum) per category are shortlisted and sent to the final judge, who is an editor in a Children’s Publishing House. The editor reads the entries in no particular order and decides on the winning sequencing. 

Note For All

Although the shortlisted entries are seen by multiple editors as many choose to look directly at CYA Conferences shortlist each year, only the final judge decides on the placings.

Everyone receives their score sheets back from CYA for information purposes only. 

Please note: The hatchlings competition is judged at the same high standard as the other CYA competitions. It’s the work that needs to shine through — not the creator's age.

Judges decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into. Under no circumstance does CYA Conference change their final winners of this competition. 

Important info


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