The Bootcamp is a day spent with an editor where you will receive feedback on your work in small group sessions, time to work on your manuscripts, followed by a progress session where they will give you further feedback. There is also a discussion panel and a Q&A session.
Places for the Bootcamp are limited to four people per group, with each editor working with two groups.
Unless specified otherwise generally:
Group 1: Chapter Books & YA & Adult GP1
Group 2: Picture books & Adult GP2
Writing Time: Writing or Illustration
There will be no discussion panel or Q&A on the 6th April Bootcamps. Attendees will be invited to attend the 5th April sessions.
Please read the Terms and Conditions page for cancellation information.
Schedule times subject to change. (AEST)

Online Bootcamps
Cost: A$320 (excluding GST).
Submission dates: Work must be submitted by 8 March.
In Person Bootcamps
Location: Pullman Brisbane King George Square, Brisbane CBD.
Cost: A$460 (excluding GST, includes tea & coffee on arrival + morning tea + lunch + afternoon tea)
Submission dates: Work must be submitted by 27th June.
Online Bootcamps - 7th July
Location: ONLINE
Cost: A$380 (excluding GST)
Submission dates: Work must be submitted on registration.